
SS 24

Novas geometrias, volumes futuristas, leveza e construção
definem a coleção DAVII SS24
A inspiração “space_age” e as silhuetas hiperfemininas são
a identidade da nova estação.
Organza, neoprene e tecidos experimentais se alternam,
dando vida a novas visões:
Leveza, Design e Artesanato distinguem o estilo da marca
como sempre, enriquecendo de tempos em tempos o seu
Os vestidos de dia e de noite contaminam-se entre si,
misturando realidades distintas e opostas, toda a coleção
abraça polaridades inesperadas, cruzando assim novas
Visões e Realidades diferentes
Neste constante jogo de contrastes, passado e futuro,
realçam-se os conceitos de feminilidade, fragilidade e
leveza, mas também o clássico descontraido e o rigor
O estilo DAVII afirma mais uma vez a multiplicidade da identidade da mulher contemporânea

SS 23

Uniqueness that isI placed in this Spring Summer 2023 collection however unusual it may seem, transforms the style into something beyond stereotypes.
The woman moves forward with a certainty that makes her the protagonist.
They are the new “futurist-creatures”. Its fashion advances with new codes.

Magically its women look like the Androids of 2046 (Wong Kar Wai) for Davii Spring Summer 2023

FW 22|23

The DAVII FALL WINTER 2022 – 2023 collection was born from the need for movement, research and a strong impulse to contemporary NOMADISM.

This journey need comfort and it is characterized by a marked uniqueness in shapes and volumes.

In this dynamic of research of the new, the thread of memory remains intact maintaining the codes of the sartorial tradition of the maison.

The color choice is essential, inspired by nature and como. The palette emphasizes this nomadic attitude and it reiterates the connection with travel and his places: Charcoal, Olive, Forest Green and Neptune Blue.

Fabrics: green fur and leather, silk mouselline, polyester mesh metal effect, pure wool cloth, crepe and taffetà in lurex.

SS 22

Tradition-Contemporary, Techno-Couture, Past-Future, Masculine-Feminine. Davii in this Spring-Summer 2022 collection continues his journey through his codes. Timeless, unique and handmade are the keywords. His vision does not follow the actual trends. All this leads to a new interpretation of his iconic pieces: Techno kimono, Bomber jacket in organza, Samurai pants in neoprene, while maintaining the continuous search for a balance between practicability, comfort and sensuality. The color palette is always delicate: white milk, black, tobacco, blue. The fabrics are: organza, silk, cotton, neoprene, Egyptian crepe.